Our Holistic Quality Commitment

We’ll be releasing versions 1.4.10 and 1.4.11 over the next few weeks, which will bring support for high resolution screens, UI improvements (including floating window support) and better onboarding.

After 1.4.11, our team will focus on improving overall quality over the next 3 to 6 months and making it a part of our culture.

Overall, this means working on bettering our company as a whole -- improving our processes, tools, teams and quality of life.

For the immediate future of our product, this means freezing new feature development and putting 100% dev time and efforts into:

  • automated and manual testing
  • sync reliability
  • removing duplicates and deletions
  • fixing issues
  • speed improvements (syncing and app)
  • better resource utilization
  • better overall quality.

🌲 Rediscovering our syncing roots

The recent adoption of the jobs to be done theory in our product development process allowed us to gain better insight into the needs and workflows of our users. We acquired a better grasp of the jobs that our users have hired us for.

We have users who...

  • access multiple Google Drive accounts
  • sync across operating systems
  • integrate our app into their database and management systems
  • manage Windows + Linux servers

All these jobs reminded us that our core competency has always been syncing. That is, for our users to be able to be able to optimize their jobs and maximize their Google Drive using Insync, improving our overall performance is paramount.

Exceptional syncing reliability = product quality 💎

🛠️ Dedication to software and product quality

With the goal of improving Insync to give you an app that will allow you to fully optimize and maximize Google Drive, the next 3 to 6 months are dedicated to:

  • squishing bugs
  • eliminating crashes
  • saying goodbye to file duplications
  • getting rid of file deletions
  • improving sync and app speed
  • CPU performance
  • memory utilization
  • UI issues
  • general reliability

Why are we doing this now?

Reinventing the file manager is a tall order. For us to begin doing more with our app, we have to be exceptional in what we’re doing now -- syncing ⭐

☯️ Holistic quality improvement

The focus on holistic quality means not improving just our app, but also our company. With that, we’ll be working to better our processes, build internal tools to better support customers and further develop our teams with a focus on quality of life and balance.

Improving our processes, tools and teams mean better output and ultimately a better overall experience -- onboarding, usability, support.

To be able to build the quality software we’re talking about, we need to make sure that our company is constantly improving and upgrading ⬆️

Here are a few things we’re working on internally:

  • creation of a new UI/UX team,
  • investing in better manual and automated testing processes and
  • improving customer support + documentation

We strive to integrate more of this quality into our company culture.

💪 Better Insync, coming your way

The focus on quality allows us to build a solid foundation for our app, our support, our processes and our teams. Improved processes will allow us to implement and develop with more agility while improved software will make it easier to build upon and add new features.

With each iteration, you can expect an app that has fewer bugs and issues.

Ultimately, we want you to enjoy Insync as the seamless Google Drive syncing client (and soon-to-be file manager) we envisioned it to be. And for that to happen, we have to work on getting rid of the issues that prevent you from utilizing Insync to its fullest potential today.

❤️ Sharing is caring

We’re sharing with you our plans for the rest of the year because we want to be transparent and because we want you to know that we are listening.

We understand the pains of hiring a buggy product. Every bug, issue and error you report gets us just as frustrated 🐞

We’re excited to be heading on to the rest of the year with the goal of bettering ourselves and our product. We look forward to giving you the best experience you can have with Insync.