Ignore List now has pattern matching!

This was originally posted last August 12, 2015

We are constantly trying to build and improve features which give our users wider use of Google Drive. We are going beyond the typical syncing and sharing of files across multiple platforms and see new opportunities arise as more users give us feedback on our product.

Insync has had an Ignore List feature which allows you to not sync certain file extensions locally or to the cloud but it was very limited as it didn’t support more advanced pattern matching.

We recently introduced the improved Ignore List feature that now supports full glob syntax. This feature not only saves local disk space (especially SSDs) but also declutters unwanted files and folders in the cloud.

There are three functions that come with our Ignore List feature:

  1. Ignore full file or folder name
  2. Ignore file extensions
  3. Ignore full glob syntax

    Once you have added conditions to your Ignore List, you can choose to not upload, not download or both:

    While this feature is targeted towards developers that need to ignore code-related files to sync or backup to Google Drive, other power users will find it helpful in other use cases.

Here is an example that involves using all three functions of Ignore List:

Entry 1: file extension that ignores .jpg files

Entry 2: glob syntax that ignores any file that includes 1–3 in their file name

Entry 3 and 4: ignore files or folders with filenames that match “goodbye” or “hello”

Click Apply Changes and all your rules will be followed for new items.

It’s one less thing you have to worry about especially if you constantly need to sort/delete files after syncing.

The improved Ignore List feature is now available on Insync 1.2.17!

Let us know your thoughts in the Support Center :)